Important Date
Abstract submission close: 1st April 2019
Notification of acceptance of abstract: 31st May 2019
Paper submission: 31st May 2019 – 14th November 2019
Paper reviewed: 19th November 2019 – 16th December 2019
Author advised: 19th December 2019
Final paper submission: 15th January 2020
Final notification of accepted paper: 28th January 2020
Date of conference: 20-23, April, 2020
Call for Papers

All accepted abstracts for 2022 The International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering (ICPOE2020) will be published in the Conference Abstract Book.
Excellent papers selected by the conference can be expanded and submitted by the authors to the journals included in Web of Science, EI Compendex, and Scopus for peer review.
We assist and guide you to get your papers published in these journals. Especially, through the coordination and collaboration with these journals, we offer an enormous opportunity for our conference participants to get their full papers published in Special Issues of these particular journals.
Guides on submission and author instructions of your preferred journal will be provided separately via an email after the conference.
*** Please note that all supporting journals are subjecting submissions to the double-blind peer-review process. The decision on publication will depend on the peer-review process. Participants are advised to read the journal’s scope and aim before deciding the suitable journal. We follow universally accepted ethics on publication. Accordingly, a guarantee for publication will not be issued before making the submission and completion of the review process.
Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
Coastal and Ocean Engineering
Beach erosion and sediment transport
Climate change and sea level rise
Coastal infrastructure developments
Hydrodynamics of off shore structures
Lowland development and reclamation
Marine ecology and environments
Marine and offshore wind energy
Port works (dredging, seawall design, etc.)
Sea water intrusion
Tsunami, waves and tides
Wastewater disposal
Estuary coastal engineering
Offshore engineering
Deep sea engineering
Port waterway
Marine energy engineering
Underwater engineering
Salvage technique
Offshore fixed jacket platform
Offshore oil development technology and equipment
The ocean activities platform
Subsea pipeline
Oil and gas gathering and transferring
Internet of things
Remote transmission network
Data integration
Cloud computing
Big data
Artificial intelligence
Ocean shipping
Port logistics
Marine technology
Offshore engineering
Ship dynamics system
Naval architecture
Marine environment
ICPOE2020 scientific program committee invites authors to submit an abstract for either an oral or a poster presentation.
Abstracts should be at about 300 words, including title, authors, affiliations, corresponding email, and acknowledgement if any. Additionally, an author can only submit up to three abstracts. However, an author can not be first author on more than one oral/poster presentation and can not present more than one paper at the conference.
If you have any questions you can get in contact with the scientific secretariat: